2025 May Be The Best Year Ever For Superhero Films. Here’s Why

2025 May Be The Best Year Ever For Superhero Films. Here’s Why

Are comic book movies a dying breed — or is the golden age of superheroes just getting started? If 2025 is anything to go by, things could be looking rosier than you might think.

#DC #MCU #Spawn

A new DC universe | 0:00
First Family | 1:28
The MCU line-up | 2:47
Brave new worlds… | 3:56
Enter the Daywalker | 4:57
Man of Tomorrow | 6:01
Spawn | 7:12
The age of the ensemble | 7:58

Voiceover by: Dexter Manning

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/1540115/2025-may-be-the-best-year-for-superhero-films-heres-why/

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