Al Shifa hospital surgeon says hospital is not safe but no one is able or has the courage to leave

Al Shifa hospital surgeon says hospital is not safe but no one is able or has the courage to leave

The situation inside al-Shifa Hospital is getting worse, and no one there feels safe, a surgeon at the hospital has told Al Jazeera.

The situation inside al-Shifa Hospital is getting worse, and no one there feels safe, a surgeon at the hospital has told Al Jazeera.

“The day before yesterday, at about 2 in the morning, the electricity stopped because of some issues. The engineer who went to try to fix that was shot by a drone and injured in his neck. Four of his limbs are paralysed,” he added.

Mokhallalati said the Israeli army’s announcement that people can use the exit on the eastern side of the hospital complex to leave “is one big lie”.

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