Blast in Pakistan kills six police officers during polio vaccination drive

Blast in Pakistan kills six police officers during polio vaccination drive

At least six police officers have been killed and nearly two dozen others wounded after an explosive device targeted their vehicle during a polio vaccination drive in northwestern Pakistan.
Officials told Al Jazeera the blast took place early morning on Monday in Bajaur, a tribal district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province neighbouring Afghanistan when Pakistan began its latest round of the vaccination campaign.
“The blast took place early in the morning when the police team went out for the polio vaccination drive. We have shifted most of the injured to a local hospital in Bajaur while critical patients were sent to Peshawar,” Bilal Faizi, spokesperson for the provincial rescue services, told Al Jazeera.

Zeeshan Salahuddin is the Director of the Centre for Regional and Global Connectivity at the Tabadlab think-tank.
He joins us live from Islamabad to discuss the latest updates.

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