Can a US-led coalition secure the Red Sea shipping lane? | Inside Story

Can a US-led coalition secure the Red Sea shipping lane? | Inside Story

The ripple effect of Israel’s war on Gaza is causing a maritime crisis in the Red Sea – one that may have major implications for the global economy and trade.
Iranian-backed Houthis have been carrying out attacks on commercial vessels.
The fighters say they’re targeting ships linked to Israel, in protest against its aggression against Palestinians in Gaza.
As a result, several major firms have suspended operations in the strategically important waterway.
So, what impact will the disruptions have on the global economy?

Presenter: Cyril Vanier

Thomas Juneau – Non-resident fellow at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies

James Moran – Former EU ambassador to Egypt, Jordan and Yemen

Stavros Karamperidis – Lecturer in Maritime Economics at the University of Plymouth and head of the Maritime Transport Research Group

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