How Did Hamas Overcome Israel’s Defenses? – VisualPolitik EN

How Did Hamas Overcome Israel’s Defenses? – VisualPolitik EN

It is often said that fact always trumps fiction, and you know what? This time was no different. Compared to what happened in Israel, Fauda, the popular Netflix series, seems like nothing more than a sweet romantic soap opera.

In the early hours of Saturday 7 October 2023, while most of Israel was still asleep, hundreds upon hundreds of Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants rushed from Gaza to storm Israel by land, sea and air. They did so while launching a massive and unexpected barrage of thousands of rockets into the country. The result? Nearly 3,000 wounded, nearly 200 hostages, and more than 1,200 killed, the vast majority of them civilians.

The questions we now have to ask ourselves are: Who was really behind such an operation? How is it possible that Israel and its notorious intelligence services were not aware of anything? What are the consequences of this conflict? In this video we tell you.

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