Is Israel meeting it’s obligations under the laws of war? | Inside Story

Is Israel meeting it’s obligations under the laws of war? | Inside Story

With the 7 day ceasefire in Gaza over, fighting has resumed between Israel & Hamas.

Caught in the middle are civilians from both sides.

It’s raised questions about proportionality and accountability.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is acting in self-defence, after the attack by Hamas on October 7th.

Under international law, Israel is the occupying power in Gaza and is obliged to protect its people – be they civilians, medical staff or prisoners of war.

But Israel doesn’t recognise Palestine as a state, and says Hamas has bases in hospitals and residential areas, which makes them legitimate military targets.

Presenter: Laura Kyle

Mustafa Barghouti — Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative and former Information Minister for the Palestinian Authority

Ahmed Abofoul — Legal Researcher and Advocacy Officer at Al-Haq, an independent Palestinian human rights organisation

Triestino Mariniello — Professor of Law at Liverpool John Moores University and member of the legal team for Gaza victims at the International Criminal Court

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