Is the Gaza War the most destructive yet with conventional arms? | Inside Story

Is the Gaza War the most destructive yet with conventional arms? | Inside Story

Israel’s war on Gaza has bombed an area with an intensity that military analysts say hasn’t been seen since the Second World War.
Most of the weaponry is supplied by the United States.
Is this war different to others in terms of its scale and speed?

Presenter: Tom McRae

Colin Clarke — Research Director, The Soufan Group, a global intelligence and security consultancy

Patrick Bury — Defence and security analyst at the University of Bath

Sam Perlo-Freeman — Research co-ordinator at Campaign Against Arms Trade in the UK

Refugee camps, hospitals, apartment blocks — nowhere in Gaza is safe in Israel’s bombardment.
The humanitarian needs are dire, and growing by the minute.
Yet Israel’s biggest ally – the U.S. – is still not calling for a ceasefire.
Instead, it’s sending more military assets to the region. Washington says the aircraft carriers and naval support vessels will serve as a deterrence.
But could American troops join the war?
And what would this mean for the Middle East?

Presenter: James Bays

Colin Clarke – Director of Reserach at the Soufan Group, a global intelligence and security consultancy

Omar Rahman – Fellow at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs, where he focuses on Palestine, Middle East geopolitics, and American foreign policy in the region

Glenn Carle – Career CIA Officer. He is a former deputy national intelligence officer for transnational threats at the agency

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