Israeli leaders tour north Gaza: Defence and emergency ministers visit soldiers

Israeli leaders tour north Gaza: Defence and emergency ministers visit soldiers

Members of Israel’s war cabinet have toured northern Gaza.
They’ve been meeting soldiers taking part in the ground offensive on the strip.
Israeli military video shows defence minister Yoav Gallant and emergency minister Benny Gantz talking to troops.

Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher is in occupied East Jerusalem for the latest developments.

Akiva Eldar, a political analyst from Tel Aviv, discusses the situation in Gaza. He highlights the shift in Israeli public opinion, accepting more fatalities as they believe it’s necessary for revenge and preventing a repeat of the October massacre. Eldar notes Prime Minister Netanyahu’s emphasis on using more power to secure hostages, with the belief that it’s the only language Hamas understands. He acknowledges the families of captives criticizing the government’s lack of prioritization for hostage fate. The changing strategy and public sentiment present challenges for the Israeli government’s goals in the conflict.

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