Israeli PM not interested in deal ‘any time soon’: Analysis

Israeli PM not interested in deal ‘any time soon’: Analysis

Mahjoob Zweiri, director of the Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University, says it’s become apparent to Israel’s Western allies and even within the country that Netanyahu has no interest in reaching a deal “any time soon”.
“He wants more time, he wants to go to Rafah, he wants to have something he has failed to achieve so far,” Zweiri told Al Jazeera. “He and the right-wing need individuals, they need names – they talk about [Hamas leaders Yahya] Sinwar and [Mohammed] Deif, and none of this has been achieved.”
Zweiri said as long as this continues, the Israeli prime minister’s stance will remain the same out of “self-interest” to preserve his political future.
“Everyone knows, but the issue is whether the international community accept this, will accept to see more killing and more destruction
for someone who is irresponsible politically and immorally is waging war on civilians.”

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