Palestinian teen’s death comes amid ‘intensification’ of Israel’s West Bank raids

Palestinian teen’s death comes amid ‘intensification’ of Israel’s West Bank raids

The death of a 17-year-old youth happened during one of a number of raids in and around the city of Nablus in the north of the Occupied West Bank.

We’ve seen video of the body of that youth being carried by friends and family and supporters after he was killed.

These are just the latest raids that now happen every night right the way across the West Bank – another indication of the intensification of Israeli military raids and attempts to arrest Palestinians since the Hamas raids on October 7.

At the moment, the Israeli military is arresting on average around 65 Palestinians every night in the Occupied West Bank and the latest death of that 17-year-old youth in Nablus means that there have now been 227 [Palestinians] killed since October 7.

Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford is in Ramallah, Occupied West Bank for the latest developments.

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