Portugal Missed Its Chance to Be Rich – VisualPolitik EN

Portugal Missed Its Chance to Be Rich – VisualPolitik EN

After a severe economic and financial crisis that plunged the country into misery between 2011 and 2013, Portugal managed to recover robustly, building a solid system that quickly put the country back on its feet after the severe blow of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many, Portugal has become an example to follow.

However, a new crisis has hit the country: the housing crisis. High prices, caused mainly and paradoxically by measures that helped Portugal out of the abyss in 2013, are once again suffocating the Portuguese population, who are demanding drastic changes from a government that is in the midst of an unparalleled political crisis.

How did Portugal become an economic paradigm, what was the price it had to pay for it, and why are protests taking to the streets again?

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