Retired General on the Ukraine War’s ‘WWI Stalemate’ Bleeding Into 2024 | WSJ

Retired General on the Ukraine War’s ‘WWI Stalemate’ Bleeding Into 2024 | WSJ

Retired General on the Ukraine War’s ‘WWI Stalemate’ Bleeding Into 2024 | WSJ

Ukraine’s military has liberated less than 0.37% of the territory that Russia occupied in June, despite breaches of Russian defenses near Robotyne. The counteroffensive up to this point has been disappointing for Kyiv and the West.

Retired Brigadier Gen. Mark Kimmit and WSJ Ukraine correspondent James Marson explain Ukraine’s evolving counteroffensive military strategy and what could be next for Europe’s biggest land war since World War II.

0:00 Ukraine’s counteroffensive
1:08 Situation happening right now
2:32 Success in Crimea
6:33 What’s next?

Russia-Ukraine Conflict
WSJ’s latest news coverage around the 2022-2023 Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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