‘Student revolution’: US protesters vow to continue despite crackdown | The Take

‘Student revolution’: US protesters vow to continue despite crackdown | The Take

More than 1,000 people have been arrested in crackdowns on university protests across the United States. Facing police brutality, arrests, and attacks from counter-protesters, what will student protesters do next? 

In this episode: 

– Dalia Darazim, Student at Columbia University, Organizing Member of Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine
– Sivan Gordon-Buxbaum, Student at Cornell University, Member of Cornell Jewish Voice for Peace
– Kianna Znika, Student at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt and KRFH Station Manager
– Arman Deendar, Student at Brown University, Member of Brown Divest Coalition
– Pauline Strong, Professor of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin

Episode credits:

This episode was produced by Ashish Malhotra, Chloe K. Li and Sonia Bhagat with our host Malika Bilal. Sarí el-Khalili fact-checked this episode.

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our lead of audience development and engagement is Aya Elmileik and Adam Abou-Gad is our engagement producer.

Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio.

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