Sudanese refugee recounts fleeing war and struggling to rebuild life in Libya

Sudanese refugee recounts fleeing war and struggling to rebuild life in Libya

Najla Awad, a Sudanese refugee hailing from el-Obeid city in North Kordofan, recalls the peaceful life she once led in Sudan before the war erupted on 15th April 2023. The city was besieged by armed groups, making daily survival a struggle as obtaining food, water, and medical care became nearly impossible. Children would faint from the shock of constant fighting, and the threat of their home being shelled loomed large. Desperation forced Najla’s family to flee, navigating terrifying armed checkpoints and paying all they had to traffickers to reach Libya. Now, they face the daunting challenge of starting anew without money or legal documents. Despite the hardships, Najla remains hopeful, trusting in God’s promise that ease will follow hardship.

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