US response to Israeli troop violations ‘a lot of empty words’: Analysis

US response to Israeli troop violations ‘a lot of empty words’: Analysis

Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory, has questioned the US State Department’s response to “gross violations” of human rights committed by Israeli army units in the occupied West Bank.
Earlier, spokesman Vedant Patel said four Israeli units have “remediated these violations”. Repeatedly asked to specify what the violations were, he didn’t respond.
“I wish I knew what that word [remediated] actually meant in this context because they also said they’d continue providing weapons to those units, which pretty much speaks for itself,” Loewenstein told Al Jazeera.
Israeli forces guilty of abuses against Palestinians are rarely held to account, he noted.
“Even when American citizens are killed, American journalists, and others, America seems to do very little at best. There’s been an explosion of settler and Israeli soldier violence in the occupied West Bank towards Palestinians, so it feels like a lot of empty words,” said Loewenstein.

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