Watch This Before You See Good Burger 2

Watch This Before You See Good Burger 2

I’m still a dude, you’re still a dude, we’re all still dudes! So strap into the Burgermobile and get ready for everything you need to know about the long-awaited sequel to Good Burger.

#Nickelodeon #Movie #Sequel

Release date | 0:00
The plot | 0:54
The cast | 1:51
The director, writers, and producers | 2:50
The rating | 3:31
Filming locations | 4:09
The long wait | 4:52
Setting itself apart | 5:30
The lost animated series | 6:15
Tonight Show reunion | 6:58
The Burgermobile rides again | 7:49
The original sequel | 8:26
Will a certain someone return? | 8:56

Voiceover By: Tim Bensch

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