Where Illegal Immigrants in the US Are Coming From

Where Illegal Immigrants in the US Are Coming From

Did you know that recently in just 5 days, almost 50,000 illegal migrants were processed by border patrol? And that despite the U.S sharing a border with Mexico, there are people from a number of different countries coming to the U.S.? The US currently has the highest number of documented and undocumented immigrants when compared to other countries, with a little more than 45 million people, or 13.6% of the US population
When it comes to just undocumented immigrants, the US is home to approximately 10.5 million unauthorized, who make up about 3% of the total US population.

However, a lot of people don’t actually know too much about unauthorized immigration in the US or where exactly most of these immigrants are coming from. So today on Across the Globe we’re going to be looking at Where Illegal Immigrants In The U.S Are Coming From.

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