Why You Should Buy Everything With Credit Cards

Why You Should Buy Everything With Credit Cards

Having multiple credit cards and playing the rewards game can save you hundreds of dollars each year. It can land you some substantial sign-up bonuses like the Capital One Venture Rewards credit card’s 75,000 miles or Chase Ink Business Unlimited’s $900 cash back. Americans own four cards on average but not being able to pay off the balance in full every month can be damaging to your credit score and wallet. American credit card balances reached $986 billion in the last quarter of 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Those contributing to that debt should not be using credit cards because the interest rates they’re paying outweigh the card rewards. However those who use credit cards responsibly and don’t have balances, typically save $300 to $400 each year. How much money you save using credit cards depends on your lifestyle and how you play the game.

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